How to Make a Cushion Cover

Making your own cushion covers is a fantastic way to personalize your home. You can choose unique fabrics, interesting prints and protect pillows and cushions of all different sizes. Our quick guide will help you easily make custom cushion covers that look professional. However, you don’t have to be a professional seamstress to make cushion covers. Even a novice crafter can make cushion covers and we will tell you all the steps. 


You don’t need much to make perfect cushion covers. You can grab all the supplies at your local craft store. Here is what to get:

Fabric – Pick a durable but soft fabric. Consider how to clean the fabric as well. Machine washable is always best!
Thread – Choose a thread that matches your fabric. You want the colour to be close to your fabric colour so that the thread blends in.
Straight Pins – A few pins will help keep the cushion cover together as you sew.

In addition to these materials, you will also need a sewing machine, an iron and some straight pins. Once you have these items you are ready to make a cushion cover!

Easy Cushion Covers
Our easy cushion covers are a simple project you can complete quickly, making yourself beautiful, new covers. Here is what you need to do.
1.	Plan Your Fabric
If your fabric has a pattern, decide which part needs to be front and centre on your cushion cover. 
2.	Measure and Cut
Figure out how large your fabric needs to be. For a standard thickness pillow, you should make the fabric about 5 cm larger on each side than the pillow itself. So, if you are making covers for 45 cm square cushions, cut the fabric into a 50 cm square. 
It is useful to draw the measurement on the fabric with a pencil before making your cuts. Remember that you will need two pieces for each cushion - a front and a back. 
3.	Iron
Iron both pieces of fabric so they lay nice and flat. Pick the piece that will be the back fabric for the cushion and create a 4 cm fold along one of the edges. Iron this lip all the way around the pillow. This fold will make it easier to sew the two pieces together and create a nice seam. 
4.	Pin
Place the front and back pieces together with the patterns facing inward, touching each other. After sewing, you will be flipping the cushion cover inside out so the pattern you would like on the outside of the cushion will show. To sew, the pattern stays in! 
Use straight pins to pin the cushion covers together, leave a 4 cm seam around the edges and pin three of the four sides. 
5.	Sew
Use your sewing machine to sew around the edges of the fabric. You only want to sew three of the four sides, leaving one side open so you can put the cushion inside the new cover. 
6.	Remove the pins
Once the cushion cover is together, remove the pins. 
7.	Add the Cushion
Place the cushion inside the cover. Hand sew the last edge of the cushion cover closed. Your cushions are ready to use!
Tip: Feel free to add a zipper to the last side of the cushion cover. A zipper on the fourth side will allow you to easily open and close the cushion cover, taking the cushion out of the cover occasionally to wash. Zippers can be tricky but they are very useful and practical!

Are you ready to make all-new cushion covers for your home? We bet you are! Follow these easy steps and your home will be revitalized with new, beautiful cushion covers in no time.

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